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Car Seat Safety 101 TONIGHT! 9/25 9pm EST #UPPAchat



Tonight is a big night!  Join me and UPPAbaby on Twitter tonight 9/25 at 9pm EST (6pm PST) for the Car Seat Safety 101 Chat #UPPAchat!  Child Passenger Safety is a topic that AJ and I are passionate about and are thrilled that UPPAbaby is facilitating this important conversation.  A lot of you have asked how to join the chat.  It’s easy!  *Don’t be afraid if you are new to Twitter, either.  This is a great reason to finally join:)


1. Sign up with Twitter if you don’t have an account. 2. Head to and click Follow. 3. On Wednesday, Search for “UPPAchat” to see the conversation. 4. Join the conversation by posting questions with “#UPPAchat” added to your tweet.

Take advantage of having Child Passenger Safety industry expert Daniella Brown (@UPPAcpsa) available to field your questions!

Oh! and did you hear you may win an UPPAbaby MESA carseat!?!?

No children yet? Have your kids graduated from carseats? Please help spread the word to your friends and family that may benefit from this!

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