What a night! My friend Kaimana Chee just sent this over. Not only is he an incredible cook himself earning a spot among the Top 100 best home cooks in America, but he also has the ability to bring light to even the most difficult of evenings. Thank you, Kaimana, for adding a little levity to “the day after”:) So happy AJ and I got to meet you out in LA! Here’s to the Top 100!

#KaimanaChee #therossis #BBQ #song #AnnaRossi #GrahamElliot #Anna #AJandAnna #Challenge #masterchef #AnnaandAJRossi #Tanya #GordonRamsay #nice #AnnaElizabeth #burger #leader #yellowteam #texas #venicebeach #David #captain #american #JoeBastianich #foodtruck #AnnaGreist #tortellini #pressuretest #elimination #Monti #MasterChef